dates: -
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allowedDates: []
allowedTours: []
cdates: []
resultData: {
"cities": [],
"tours": [],
"label": ""
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filteredData: {
"cities": [],
"tours": []
citySearchDefTours: [
"ID": 14787,
"id": 14787,
"detail_link": "",
"url": "",
"post_parent": 14780,
"thumbnail_img": " <div class=\"responsive_image cover\" > <div > <div class=\"dummy\"></div> <picture> <source media=\"(max-width: 768px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 1024px)\" srcset=\"\"> <img width=\"150\" height=\"150\" src=\"\" alt=\"Berlin-kulinarisch-prenzlauerBerg-tour\" loading=\"lazy\" > </picture> </div> </div> ",
"background_label": [],
"__type": "tour",
"city": 14780,
"background_img": " <div class=\"responsive_image cover\" > <div > <div class=\"dummy\"></div> <picture> <source media=\"(max-width: 768px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 1024px)\" srcset=\"\"> <img width=\"768\" height=\"541\" src=\"\" alt=\"Berlin-kulinarisch-prenzlauerBerg-tour\" loading=\"lazy\" > </picture> </div> </div> ",
"background_img_url": "",
"city_shop_id": 1,
"city_wp_id": 14780,
"tourtype": "Kulinarische Stadtführung",
"tourtype_slug": "kulinarische-stadtfuehrung",
"category": [
"label": "Kostproben",
"class": "i-fork-spoon --white bg-black c-white b-black --b-inherit --bg-inherit"
"no_private": null,
"always_visible": null,
"termin_content": null,
"private_starttimes": "Di-Fr 11-16 Uhr | Sa & So 11-15 Uhr",
"private_groupsize": "16 Personen pro Gruppe, mehrere Gruppen möglich",
"menu_order": 35,
"duration": "3h",
"teasertext": null,
"price": "44",
"price_prefix": null,
"price_label": "pro Person",
"price_reduced": "22",
"price_reduced_label": "pro Kind 3-12 J.",
"price_reduced_anzeigen": null,
"title": "Kulinarische Stadtführung",
"location": "Berlin Kreuzberg",
"description": "<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>Erleben Sie die Gegensätze von Graefekiez und SO 36.</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>Genießen Sie einen der besten Böreks Berlins.</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>Erfahren Sie mehr über den Szenetreff auf der Admiralbrücke.</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>",
"description_portrait": "Erleben Sie die Gegensätze von Graefekiez und SO 36.",
"district": "Berlin Kreuzberg",
"rating": "4.7/5 (2347)",
"rating_average": "4.7",
"rating_count": "2347",
"rating_slug": "Hervorragend",
"termins": []
"ID": 122311,
"id": 122311,
"detail_link": "",
"url": "",
"post_parent": 14812,
"thumbnail_img": " <div class=\"responsive_image cover\" > <div > <div class=\"dummy\"></div> <picture> <source media=\"(max-width: 768px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 1024px)\" srcset=\"\"> <img width=\"150\" height=\"150\" src=\"\" alt=\"imtw-wp-historie2\" loading=\"lazy\" > </picture> </div> </div> ",
"background_label": [],
"__type": "tour",
"city": 14812,
"background_img": " <div class=\"responsive_image cover\" > <div > <div class=\"dummy\"></div> <picture> <source media=\"(max-width: 768px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 1024px)\" srcset=\"\"> <img width=\"768\" height=\"512\" src=\"\" alt=\"imtw-wp-historie2\" loading=\"lazy\" > </picture> </div> </div> ",
"background_img_url": "",
"city_shop_id": 21,
"city_wp_id": 14812,
"tourtype": "GEO EPOCHE Historische Tour",
"tourtype_slug": "geo-epoche-historische-tour",
"category": [
"label": "Geschichte",
"class": "i-geo-epoch --white bg-black c-white b-black --b-inherit --bg-inherit"
"no_private": null,
"always_visible": null,
"termin_content": null,
"private_starttimes": "Mo-So 9-19 Uhr",
"private_groupsize": "16 Personen pro Gruppe",
"zusatzliches_icon": " <div class=\"responsive_image cover\" > <div > <div class=\"dummy\"></div> <picture> <source media=\"(max-width: 768px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 1024px)\" srcset=\"\"> <img width=\"768\" height=\"832\" src=\"\" alt=\"GEOEPOCHE-Logo\" loading=\"lazy\" > </picture> </div> </div> ",
"menu_order": 63,
"duration": "2h",
"teasertext": "Begeben Sie sich auf eine spannende Zeitreise bei einem historischen Stadtrundgang durch die alte Residenzstadt an der Leine. ",
"price": "25",
"price_prefix": null,
"price_label": "pro Person",
"price_reduced": "19",
"price_reduced_label": "pro Kind 10-15 J.",
"price_reduced_anzeigen": null,
"title": "GEO EPOCHE Historische Tour",
"location": "Hannover Altstadt",
"description": "<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>Tauchen ein in das Leben spannender Persönlichkeiten, die ihre Spuren in Hannover hinterlassen haben.</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>Erfahren Sie mit GEO EPOCHE die Hintergründe des Aufstiegs des Kurfürsten Georg Ludwig zum König. </li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>Schmunzlen Sie über lustige Anekdoten aus dem Leben der Stadt.</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>",
"description_portrait": "Tauchen ein in das Leben spannender Persönlichkeiten, die ihre Spuren in Hannover hinterlassen haben.",
"district": "Hannover Altstadt",
"rating": "4.8/5 (31)",
"rating_average": "4.8",
"rating_count": "31",
"rating_slug": "Hervorragend",
"termins": []
"ID": 59692,
"id": 59692,
"detail_link": "",
"url": "",
"post_parent": 14795,
"thumbnail_img": " <div class=\"responsive_image cover\" > <div > <div class=\"dummy\"></div> <picture> <source media=\"(max-width: 768px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 1024px)\" srcset=\"\"> <img width=\"150\" height=\"150\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" loading=\"lazy\" > </picture> </div> </div> ",
"background_label": [],
"__type": "tour",
"city": 14795,
"background_img": " <div class=\"responsive_image cover\" > <div > <div class=\"dummy\"></div> <picture> <source media=\"(max-width: 768px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px)\" srcset=\"\"> <source media=\"(min-width: 1024px)\" srcset=\"\"> <img width=\"768\" height=\"512\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" loading=\"lazy\" > </picture> </div> </div> ",
"background_img_url": "",
"city_shop_id": 3,
"city_wp_id": 14795,
"tourtype": "Outdoor Escape Game",
"tourtype_slug": "outdoor-escape-game",
"category": [
"label": "Rätsel",
"class": "i-pin --white bg-black c-white b-black --b-inherit --bg-inherit"
"label": "Level 3",
"class": "i-level-3 --white blue c-white b-black --label-right --b-inherit --bg-inherit"
"no_private": null,
"always_visible": null,
"termin_content": null,
"private_starttimes": "Mo-So 9-19 Uhr",
"private_groupsize": "16 Personen, aufgeteilt in Gruppen à 8 Personen",
"menu_order": 126,
"duration": "2h",
"teasertext": "Retten Sie die Stadt vor dem Untergang und erfüllen Sie innerhalb von 2 Stunden eine herausfordernde Mission.",
"price": "33",
"price_prefix": null,
"price_label": "pro Person",
"price_reduced": "29",
"price_reduced_label": "pro Kind 3-12 J.",
"price_reduced_anzeigen": null,
"title": "Outdoor Escape Game",
"location": "Hamburg Landungsbrücken",
"description": "<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>Das “Elbgift” ist ausgetreten. Nur Sie können die Vergiftung der Stadt noch verhindern.</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>Mit einem Tablet ausgestattet lösen Sie knifflige Rätsel.</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>Aufmerksam sein und geschickt agieren: Nur dann können Sie die Mission meistern. </li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>",
"description_portrait": "Das “Elbgift” ist ausgetreten. Nur Sie können die Vergiftung der Stadt noch verhindern.",
"district": "Hamburg Landungsbrücken",
"rating": "4.1/5 (35)",
"rating_average": "4.1",
"rating_count": "35",
"rating_slug": "Sehr gut",
"termins": []